SWO Angel Group

September Investor Meeting Details

September 16, 2019

By: Dennis Ensing

Our first Investor Meeting after the summer break is coming up this Thursday, September 19. We have three very interesting ventures selected to present, with highlights below.

If are unable to attend on Thursday, VeloGuide are also hosting a Thursday lunch presentation downtown. Please let me know if you would like details.

  1. Tecta PDS markets the world’s first, automated, EPA-approved microbiological water quality monitoring system to lower overall monitoring costs and improve both drinking water quality and human health. They have over 270 systems around the world and are adopted as the method to test water in over 25 countries.

Doug Wilton, CEO



Raise: $500,000

  1. Vena Medical is providing physicians with the world’s smallest camera capable of going inside veins and arteries to help physicians treat stroke.

Michael Phillips, CEO



Raise: $500,000

  1. VeloGuide is an on-demand ‘ride and guide’ sharing app platform that connects traveling cyclists with local guides, tours and high-quality, well-maintained bikes anywhere they want to ride. They now have trained guides in 650 cities in 72 countries around the world.

Joel Goralski, CEO



Raise: $1.2 million

As usual, we will start at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, September 19. Presentations will begin at 8:00 a.m. in the MVP Lab at the Convergence Centre (999 Collip Circle) in Western’s Discovery Park.

Also attached are the one-page summaries of each for your review.

If you have not already, please RSVP to the calendar invite. Thank you and hope to see you Thursday!