SWO Angel Group

Investor Meeting Highlights – June

June 22, 2018

By: Dennis Ensing

Yesterday (Thursday June 21) we held our monthly SWO Angels Investor Meeting. Three ventures presented to attending members in the MVP Lab in the Convergence Centre on Western’s Discovery Park. All also presented this week to our angel group Alliance partners, Golden Triangle Angel Network (GTAN) and Angel One Network, all of whom also hosted informative awards banquets recently that I was fortunate to attend (pictured).

Deeper dives with company principals are scheduled for next week – details of location and dial-in to be provided separately, or on request.

Investment Update: Investments led by our members in SmartTones and QuickSilk have now closed. Investment closings are well underway with Backyard Media, Plurilock, Genecis, Expertfile, and Powernoodle but there is still a brief opportunity to participate.

Event Update: We take a summer recess for July & August, but a social event is being planned – stay tuned for details.

Our next Investor Meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 20 and a fall Lunch & Learn (“Tips and Tricks for Due Diligence”) is tentatively set for September 12. Please let me know if you are an accredited investor and interested in attending either or both of these events.

June Presenting Companies:

Oreka Solutions harnesses the power of insects to make our food healthier and agriculture more sustainable. They breed and rear their Black Soldier Flies to optimize essential nutrients and healthy fats, and then capture this goodness to make Protein+, a natural “superfood” for poultry, fish, swine & ruminants. With only small amounts of Protein+, animals are significantly healthier, grow faster and require less medication.

Deeper dive: Monday June 25 3:00 pm

Acorn BioLabs has developed a proprietary at-home kit for the collection and cryopreservation of live cells – the only one on the market. The saleability and analysis potential these live cells hold affords Acorn the opportunity to create the world’s largest cellular dataset and become the system record for the entire industry.

Deeper dive: Tuesday June 26 3:00 pm

PaddleHR is an AI-powered career path generating platform powered by 330 million people’s career histories. The #1 reason people leave their job is lack of future career opportunity. To lower attrition, Paddle matches employees to career paths within the organization before they look outside the company. Also, HR leaders get new analytics about how people move in their careers, powered by Paddle HR’s external data.

Deeper dive: Wednesday June 27 3:00 pm