April Investor Meeting Highlights
April 23, 2019
By: Dennis Ensing
Last week we held our regular monthly Investor Meeting. Snapshots of the 3 presenting ventures are included below. Deeper dives with company principals are also scheduled as noted – details of location and dial-in to be provided separately, or on request.
Investment Update: Due diligence is well underway with March presenters: TopSpin Technologies and Factory Bucket. Closing is imminent for February presenter Backyard Media. If you are interested, please contact me.
Event Update: Our next Investor Meeting is scheduled for 7:30 am on Thursday May 23 in the MVP Lab at the Convergence Centre in Western’s Discovery Park. The Events Calendar on our website includes upcoming education opportunities offered by our Angel Alliance members. NACO Canada’s 2019 World Angel Investment Summit is also upcoming June 5-7 in Calgary and we are attending. Please let me know if you are an accredited investor and would like to attend any of these events.
April Presenting Companies:
YouKno has developed a next-generation productivity and communication platform that leverages the power of AI and Machine Learning in a crowdsourced knowledge sharing environment to significantly improve sales, employee and customer engagement and performance levels. The B2B SaaS product enables client companies to channel participant attention towards key business targets, lifting engagement, reinforcing culture, and delivering on overall performance.
Deeper Dive: April 29
Wittaya-Aqua is a farm management software platform that helps aquaculture farms become more profitable, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector in the world. It surpassed the beef sector in 2012 in terms of total production, now rising at a 7.5% CAGR. However, the sector has lagged behind other food production industries in terms of tech adoption. Most aquaculture operations still use paper- or spreadsheet-based management systems. The Wittaya Platform solves this by helping farms make data driven operational decisions.
Deeper Dive: April 30
YourIKA makes learning scalable. YourIKA aims to capture a significant share of the $350B e-learning market through its intelligent learning platform that helps learning providers turn learning content into intelligent virtual instructors, enabling a more efficient and scalable way to teach, tutor, and train the world. The platform, engineered by a team of experienced AI experts from Waterloo, is powered by patent pending technology that makes autonomous instruction possible.
Deeper Dive: May 1
All Three also presented earlier in the week to our angel group Alliance partners, Golden Triangle Angel Network (GTAN) and Angel One Network. Interested members of all three groups are now assembling around the Deeper Dives to coordinate due diligence and possible syndicated investment.