Summer Golf Social
August 26, 2019
Summer Golf Social
By: Dennis Ensing
This morning we held our annual members and sponsors golf social at The Oaks Golf & Country Club. 2 foursomes teed off just after 8:30 and, following 18 holes under sunny blue skies, they were joined by several other members for drinks and lunch.
As usual, stories were shared with lots of good natured ribbing. Deloitte was thanked for providing replacement balls to those who needed them (no names will be mentioned, but it sounded like everyone needed one at some point). Everyone also agreed that Bernie definitely needed a new putter. Jeff from BDC was his foursome’s ringer – far too modest before the first tee! And John was his entertaining self – which Rich enjoyed thoroughly, but wasn’t sure it helped or hurt his game.
It sounds like it wasn’t really about the score though, which is what makes for a very fine & enjoyable round with friends and colleagues, isn’t it?