February Investor Meeting Highlights
February 22, 2019
By: Dennis Ensing
We had an excellent turnout to our February Investor Meeting, held on Thursday the 21st, including several invited guests that were interested in what we do and how we do it. The monthly meetings are a core element of our offering to curate deal flow for our members to consider as investment opportunities in their portfolios.
Snapshots of the 3 ventures who presented this morning are included below. Deeper dives with company principals are also scheduled as noted below – the details of the location and dial-in to be provided separately, or on request.
Investment Update: SmartTones closed a follow-on investment this month and last calls are being made for Chalk, Fable Tech and SensOR Medical. If you are still interested, please contact me ASAP.
Event Update: Our next Investor Meeting is scheduled for 7:30 am on Thursday March 21 in the MVP Lab at the Convergence Centre in Western’s Discovery Park. Please let me know if you are an accredited investor and would like to attend.
February Presenting Companies:
Stellar Biome is a London-based commercialization stage biotechnology company with the vision to become a leading developer and international marketer of innovative probiotic-based, microbiome-modulating products and targeted therapies with proven safety and efficacy.
Deeper dive: Thursday February 28
Backyard Media was back (they presented and secured investment from SWO Angels and Alliance members last year). Backyard Media is a tech powered video company producing and distributing captivating web series at scale.
Deeper dive: Monday March 4
MicroMetrics creates and builds the most intelligent communication solutions for business and enterprise customer service and care teams.
Deeper dive: Wednesday March 6
All three also presented earlier this week to our angel group Alliance partners, Golden Triangle Angel Network (GTAN) and Angel One Network. Interested members of all three groups are now assembling to coordinate due diligence and possible syndicated investment.